Writing for Digital Media

This is a course about providing students with a broad overview of writing texts in a digital environment. The rest of the course is completely open-ended and left to the students to choose how they utilize their new skills.

Mathew Moose Headshot

I am a graduating senior at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown studying computer science. I have experience with developing software applications and a thirst to always expand my skillset.

When I decided to take this course, I wanted to make sure that I had a place to tell my own story. I quickly took to the idea of designing websites and utilizing different technologies in order to make it happen.

This website will be used as a showcase for the content that I learned throughout the course as well as an explanation of my own technological creativity that paved the way. Thank you to everyone in the class as well as Professor Marissa for allowing me this freedom and helping me hone my skills. I hope you enjoy!

Social Media Narrative

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Who I Am

Who I Am is a narrative about my life using Twitter. The story is made up of unwitting participants who happened to tweet something that was similar to an aspect of my own life story. I curated the content and used strangers' comments in order to write my own narrative piece. The story involves a significant portion of my life starting from high school year. Twitter allowed for simple responsiveness across all platforms.

  • Twitter

Remixed Narrative

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Moosify was a project based on the popular website Cornify. Just as in the original, my project has the ability to randomly generate image elements onto the screen using JavaScript DOM manipulation. The goal was to remix an existing piece of digital media, so I decided to have moose appear on the screen instead of the usual unicorns and rainbows. I added in a custom button for embedding onto other websites and have the script publicly available for use just like the original.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Cornify

Location-Based Narrative

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My Office

My Office was a project that was made in order to provide different points of view for a location. I decided to use my home office because although I spend most of my time here, I rarely thought of how others probably viewed the chaos. This led to me deciding to make scalable vector graphics (SVGs) with paths cut out to bring the object "to life". It allows for scalability on all sizes and shading for each section of the image. I then decided to take the project a little step further and add in my family's perspectives using some simple Javascript toggling. This was one of my favorite projects to date.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • SVGs
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap

Interactive Narrative

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Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure was created after seeing so many different interactive narratives be unusable on a mobile device. Using the React.js framework, I was quickly able to make a responsive design with super easy customization. Harking back to a project similar in scope during my intership, I decided to make customized breadcrumbs that kept track of the choices in the story. Finally, I used a simple JSON file to host all of the choices and flavor text so modifying anything only takes a few seconds! While probably the most technically challenging project of the bunch, this one did fall a little flat in terms of entertainment when presented to the class.

  • React.js
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
Learn More About Me MooseCreates


Over the 15 weeks of the course, we were instructed to keep a blog. Learn more about my creative process and ideas below!

10 things I want to learn.

This prompt really had me thinking about my schooling and general understanding of learning in a broad sense. While I realize that I could easily name ten different topics of interest to me, it felt unnecessary to try and "limit" myself to only picking ten. All of my life I have been fascinated with trying to understand how things work, but this did not only extend to my interest in technology. On the contrary, it was not until I was older and understood how the inner workings of computers functioned before I became set on a career as a Computer Programmer.

Throughout my studies here at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown I have finally found a greater appreciation for a well-rounded education. Though I was challenged with courses that are far from my personal passions, such as History, it never inhibited my ability and desire to learn the material then ace the exams. The unquenchable urge to continue learning everything in my power continued as I conquered course after course. It was not until I graciously accepted induction into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi that I truly learned my place within academia. The motto of the organization is formed from the Greek phrase "Philosophía Krateítõ Phõtôn", which loosely translates to "Let the love of learning rule humanity.” This wonderful opportunity lead me to continue to strive for knowledge and never give up on the importance of learning.

However, as with any person who sets out to find knowledge and make their mark on this world, failure will happen. There might be several people out there right this second reading this article or viewing my work and thinking to themselves that I have failed in some way or another. Yet, that is exactly the point of all of this hard work! I intend to set foot into new domains such as digital writing, plan on conquering territories within the web development world, and have my heart set on showcasing my talents in computer science with the purest intent of falling flat on my face. It is through this trial and error that not only will I learn from my mistakes, but I will also start unraveling different unknown talents hidden within myself.

Ultimately, this post may not be an award-winning rambling from a computer scientist but rather the content itself is telling of my ability to learn new concepts. I have infinitely more things that I want to learn in all aspects of my life and it was through my time at University that I have finally been able to have this realization.

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